

My name is Sahreth Bowden (Sŏh-rĕth or Sŭh-rĕth Bŏw-dĕn), but a lot of people have come to know me as Baphy (Bă-fee) which has been my username for years. Feel free to call me either.

400708203_6827078777409228_3638443787014751122_nI’m a multi-genre author who has thus far self-published science fiction, psychological horror, and LGBT+ paranormal romance. I’m currently looking for representation for a dark fantasy series, a horror novel, a psychological horror, a paranormal adventure, and a contemporary fiction novel.  My focus in writing is not genre, but rather character development and social messages. The majority of my work contains sensitive subjects so I offer specific content warnings at the bottom of the book summary.

This site is dedicated to reviewing books from indie (self-published) and small-time authors, sharing free books from those authors, and spotlights for such authors I highly recommend. I will also post an update here when I personally publish a new book, but if you’re looking to follow my journey specifically (including writing progress, events, & giveaways of my work), please click here to follow sahrethbaphybowden.com (domain pending). If you want the updates about indie book reviews, etc, please follow baphy1428.com. Or of course, you can follow both to get everything.

If you’re looking to get your book reviewed, advertise a free book, or contact me, click here.


A little about me…

I was born and raised in a small Arkansas town and now live in a small Arkansas city with my amazing wife of 13 years. I much prefer little country places like this over the bustle of city life. I’m a huge animal lover. I bred rats of all kinds including the 2 breeds of hairless for nearly a decade. My wife and I have had a plethora of different pets over the years. Currently, we care for 7 cats, 2 rats, a ball python, and a dog. They’re our family.

I won’t say I’m a goth, but I will say when you open my closet it looks like you’re staring into a void. My number one addiction is probably piercings. My life has been chock full of both physical and mental illness including severe, rare diseases which have nearly claimed my life on multiple occasions, as well as Schizoaffective Disorder and PTSD which have made Mental Health Awareness extremely important to me.

I advocate for mental health in order to erase the numerous negative and false stigmas regarding psychiatric illness and care. Hallucinatory Tribulation Vol. 1 is a collection of short psychological horror stories based on my experiences as a psychiatry patient. You can hear more about my experiences with mental health on my YouTube Channel.

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If you’d like to help me with my author journey and my mission to assist other indie authors, you can follow this blog (or my personal blog) follow me on social media (@baphy1428), share my content, or even donate or buy/share my books.

Please take a gander at the site.
Thank you and have a fantastic day!

~Sahreth ‘Baphy’ Bowden



  1. Is Writer’s Egg still up and running? I’ve sent in stuff but not received any response and the website hasn’t had entries since January I see. By the way just read a good book by Someone called Jonty Claypole. It’s called Words Fail Us and about stuttering initially but covers Tourettes, autism, dyslexia and other speech problems. Amazing but the bastard hasn’t replied to any of my mail, still that is probably overwhelm as my ADHD and autism stumps most people


    1. Hey! I apologize for the severely delayed response… I’ve actually been mostly out of business for the last year or so. I don’t think Writer’s Egg is still in business unfortunately. I also have not been able to contact them. Sounds like a book I’d be interested in! I’m sorry you had trouble contacting the author and with people not responding well to your ADHD and autism. I do know that some people have rules (boundaries) where they only reply to certain types of messages or only add certain people. Some authors feel it’s unprofessional to speak directly with readers other than at book signings or other public appearances. I don’t, but some do. So it may have just been something like that too. I hope you are doing well and once again, I’m sorry about it taking this long to respond.


      1. Well it seems I may not have ADHD after all but the autism is still more certain. I have virtually given up writing and now just about everything (71 year’s old and depressed about it).

        You might like to catch up with my artwork on deviant art site (collage, display cases full of stuff etc). I may be under paigetheoracle or oraclepaige uhttps://www.deviantart.com

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      2. I am so sorry to hear that 😦 Depression fucking sucks. HUGS. It’s good that you’re still doing things like art and photography though. They’re awesome ways of expression and even coping. And you never know, your drive to write might come back when you least expect it. I’m not much of an artist myself though I do paint things (usually dolls or other objects) from time to time. I very much appreciate art though. I found you under paigetheoracle and am about to start checking your stuff out 🙂


      3. I forgot to put my website on, which shows the varieties of my creative interests (Pinterest) also reflected in my Quora website blogs (anemptyhead.quora.com /mind your language /inventions and innovations /britishhumourornot.quora.com). I am also now into photography in a big way now using my cell phone (View bug.com,under Tony Sandy – 400 images and counting).

        Liked by 1 person

      4. No worries! I found your pinterest and all your quora sites. I’m going go go look at them along with your deviantart here in a few minutes. I couldn’t find you on viewbug, but if you can get the direct link to your page there for me, I’ll check it out too 🙂 Hope you are doing alright! I’m glad you have other outlets like art and photography 🙂


      5. Don’t worry about Viewbug as I have photos on Pinterest as well (quirky / landscape). Thanks for liking my Quora posts (still trying to make sense of the world, seventy years later, after being born).

        Liked by 1 person

      6. oh okay cool and thanks! I love looking at people’s work, especially if I can or have talked to them one on one like this. I haven’t looked at many of the Pinterest folders yet (mostly just the eggs and boxes which I love btw), but am going to look at more ^^ Also, idk if you knew, but you can upload photography as well as pics of “artisanal crafts” (like the eggs/boxes) to DeviantArt too 😀 I’m only 31, but I often wonder what I will be like when I’m closer to your age and how much the world will have changed. Sounds like nothing will ever be fully understood lol


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